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Released: February 2016
ISBN: 9781310667701
Kindle US, Kindle UK
Apple, Kobo, Nook
Author: Ellie Gray
Length: Novel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Price: $3.99

Amazon US - Amazon UK - Goodreads

Following the recent death of her father, and in need of both a job and somewhere to live, Kiya takes a housekeeping job on the spur of the moment. She soon finds herself living in a beautiful but neglected mansion, working for a strange and reclusive man.

St. John is a man scarred by the past, both physically and emotionally, and is determined to live out his life alone. They are two very different people, drawn to each other almost against their will, but can Kiya convince St. John that he is not the monster he believes himself to be?

Eventually the taxi pulled up outside an impressive set of wrought iron gates, through which could be seen a sweeping driveway disappearing into thick foliage. Only a couple of miles from the village she had visited yesterday, the grounds were obviously large, although nothing could be seen of the house by virtue of the high stone wall surrounding the property.

‘Will you be all right here, love?’ enquired the taxi driver, placing her suitcases on the ground beside her.

‘Yes, this is fine, thank you.’ Kiya paid the rather considerable fare, wincing slightly at the expense, and watched as he drove away down the narrow lane. She turned back to the huge gates, wondering how on earth she was supposed to get in, then noticed the electronic box set into the wall at one side. Moving closer, she pressed the button hesitantly.

‘Yes?’ Despite the crackle of static, the deep voice managed to convey irritation.

‘Hi, it’s Kiya Williams, I…’

With a click, the intercom abruptly switched off and the gates swung slowly open. Kiya stared down the driveway in exasperation; during the limited conversation she had had with the man, she had not yet managed to complete a single sentence. Realising that the gates were beginning to close again, she snatched up her suitcases and hurried through.

Kiya followed the curving driveway with more than a fair amount of trepidation, the less than reassuring words of the two shopkeepers she had met yesterday flying around her head. She came to an abrupt halt when the house came into view, her breath quite taken away. It was a beautiful, rambling, ivy-covered mansion – the kind that, as a young girl, she had dreamt of owning. She walked towards the house, noting as she got closer that although the circular lawn in front had been mown recently, the flowerbeds were overgrown and choked with weeds. Looking more critically at the house, she noticed that the whole building had a slightly forlorn air of neglect, as if it were empty.

Just as Kiya lifted her hand to knock on the enormous double front door, she saw the envelope taped to one side of the brass doorknocker; her name scrawled on it in large, bold handwriting. Opening the envelope, she took out a letter and a set of keys.

Miss Williams,
Please find enclosed a set of house keys for your convenience. We did not discuss remuneration on the telephone yesterday, but I have made enquiries regarding the current rate of pay and trust that monthly payment will be satisfactory. As this is to be your home as well as your place of employment, you may have free access to all rooms, excluding my bedroom (first floor, last door on the left) and my study, which is the second room to the right of the hall. I expressly ask that you do not disturb me here. A bed has been made up for you in the first room on your left at the top of the stairs, however you are free to choose any room you wish. The only other proviso I have is that you do not use the kitchen between the hours of 7am-8am, 1pm-2pm, and 6pm-7pm, when I shall prepare my own meals.
St. John O’Neill

Kiya read the note in disbelief. Don’t use the kitchen between certain hours? She had thought the two women in the shop were exaggerating when they’d told her he was strange, but now she was beginning to wonder.

Top Reviews
Touching romantic
A typical romance but very heart wrenching in places. I did actually shed a tear. Recommended as a nice easy read. I look forward to more from Ellie Gray. ~ Fiona, Amazon

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A sweet and beautiful love story
Such a beautifully written story about love, loss and friendship. It was very realistic and set at a good pace. I loved the secondary characters and they were an integral part of the story. And of course they got their HEA.What more could you ask for, loved it! ~ Shelby, Amazon

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Though this book begins as if a Beauty and the Beast tale, I actually felt that Kiya had more healing to do than St. John. I enjoyed both characters but St. John in particular won me over. The pace started off a little slow, mainly due to the backstory which maybe could have worked better as dialogue, but the authors voice, the gorgeous descriptions and this lovely story quickly grabbed me and made this book a very enjoyable read! ~ Tracey, Amazon

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A warmth in the telling that really works
The book is really well written, with natural dialogue, tender love scenes, characters that I really liked, well handled emotion - and as a whole, it really works. Don't be put off by the cover (sorry Tirgearr, I really didn't like it at all!) - this book has a great deal more depth than you might expect, and a warmth in the story's telling that brings a smile to your face. I really rather enjoyed it. ~ Welsh Annie, Amazon

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Gorgeous romance
This is a gorgeous, unashamedly romantic tale of two people who have been through harrowing times, finding each other, and helping each other to heal. It's the sort of book that leaves you feeling all contented and satisfied, and with a feeling that love really can conquer everything. A wonderful debut novel. ~ Sharon Booth, Amazon

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a romantic retelling :)
I enjoyed reading this story. It got the heart-warming, romantic and tearful moments, too. The pacing was normal yet satisfying. It has an old world feel to it, sometimes I thought the story took place in the olden days, if not for the mention of mobile phones and iPads and high-end cars. Overall, Beauty and the Recluse is an interestingly affectionate read and a perfect bedtime story. ~ Claire, Amazon

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This was a fun read, I liked Kiya's energy throughout the story. St. John has his reasons for distancing himself from others, but with Kiya he tries to keep her at arms length but she manages to break through his walls even though it scares him. Great read. ~ Reader, Amazon

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its an enjoyable read
charming story that unfolded as I read the book. Though contemporary, there is an old world feel to these two lovers...in fact the entire story is like a historical romance, transported into modern times. And I mean this is the best sense. The characters have personality, depth...which is developed over time, as is their relationship, with all the associated ups and downs . . . ice steady pacing really helps the story. No lulls, or fillers....all story. Also, this is a clean and wholesome romance. There is chemistry and sexual tension between Kiya and St. John, but no X-rated Sex-capades. Its nice for a change. ~ Twinkletoes, Amazon



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