Victoria Blisse is a mother, wife, Christian, Manchester United Fan, an award winning erotica authoress, and all round Cheeky Wench. She is also the editor of several Bigger Briefs collections, and the co-editor of the fabulous Smut Alfresco, Smut by the Sea (Vol.1), Smut by the Sea (Vol.2), Smut by the Sea (Vol.3), and Smut in the City Anthologies.
She is the mistress of Smut UK putting on Smut Events, Days & Evenings dedicated to erotica, socializing, fun, and prizes. Check out Smut Nights, Smut by the Sea: Scarborough, and Smut Manchester for more info.
Born near Manchester, England, her northern English quirkiness shows through in all of her stories along with her own particular brand of humour and romance that bring laughs and warm fuzzies in equal measure.
Passion, love and laughter fill her works, just as they fill her busy life.
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