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Cover of The Trouble With Sailors by Kristi Ahlers
Released: June 2014
ISBN: 9781310200304
Kindle US, Kindle UK
Apple, Kobo, Nook
Series: The Trouble Series, #11
Author: Kristi Ahlers
Length: Novelette
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Price: $1.99

Amazon US - Amazon UK - Goodreads

Aspyn Cartwright and her fiancé, Martin, just broke up after being together for a long time. Just, as in twelve hours ago . . . that morning. Seeing her devastation, her BFFs take her on a girl's night out, to help her forget her troubles for a few hours. But when Aspyn sees Martin, her heart is torn out all over again. Not only does he not seem phased by their break-up, he's got another woman on his arm--and he's kissing her in a way that tells Aspyn he knows this woman intimately. Very intimately.

Reluctantly, Aspyn lets her friends talk her into a much needed vacation to Hawaii. She has every intention of soaking up the sun, and forgetting Martin. She’s going to rest, relax, and have fun. What she isn’t counting on is being chaperoned, nor the instant attraction she feels for him. This sailor is trouble with a capital T.

Jesse Spencer is ready for some down time after many long days on-board his naval ship, which is based out of Pearl Harbor. He's not going far though--no better place for R&R than the exotic Hawaiian Islands--surf, sand, sea, and sexy Polynesian girls. When friends ask him to look out for Aspyn, he thinks it’s going to be an easy thing to do. After all he’s not looking for romance, and there are few women who understand the life of a sailor in the Navy. She’s everything he's not expecting, and everything he finds he wants. Trouble is, he has his work cut out for him--she lives on the mainland, and he won’t always have shore duty. Good thing, Jesse loves a challenge.

Aspyn Cartwright was speechless.

Unfortunately, she was also standing there in front of all of Palm Beach society with her mouth hanging open like an ill-fated largemouth bass dangling from fishing line. In silence, she watched in horror as her douche bag ex of only twelve hours, shared a deep—almost porno material —kiss— with his newest girlfriend, who, if rumor was correct was also the main attraction at Pirate’s Booty, a gentleman’s club down in the Key’s.


Aspyn, cheeks burning with fury, faced her two friends, Ashley and Sarah, as they came to stand beside her. The three of them turned and observed the spectacle of Martin making an ass of himself with the dancer. Hard to believe she’d ignored all of her friends’ advice and followed the bum to Florida. Could have been worse. It could have been some cold and depressing backwoods location, rather than being near the water where she was happiest.

Was he actually grinding with that girl? And was that product in his hair? Martin never used anything to help tame his hair. Frankly, she was surprised he knew what product was or how to apply it for that matter. As for grinding, the only grinding he ever did with her were coffee beans for their morning coffee. Jerk!

“So, are you ready to pack and come back home?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, without question.” Aspyn waited for the hurt to flood her but to her surprise, sadness was not one of the emotions washing over her. Instead, she was relieved. And pissed. But the pissed part was more a how come I didn’t kick him to the curb first thing than an scorned lover thing.

However, the relief was rather short lived. Her mother would have plenty to say about what had just taken place. Lord knew the woman had an opinion about everything, so why not about a man basically dry humping an “exotic” dancer in front of notable members of southern society?

Aspyn gave Martin and his booty-call girlfriend one last look before she spun on her Louboutin heels and walked with dignified grace away from the spectacle. She mentally shook her head at the foolishness of her plan to surprise Martin with this visit. It was supposed to have been a way to add spark to the damp coals of a relationship that clearly wasn’t working—for either of them. Well, there’d been a surprise all right. Just not the kind she’d been planning.



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