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Cover of The Trouble with Beaches by Kristi Ahlers
Released: May 2013
ISBN: 9781301820498
Kindle US, Kindle UK
Apple, Kobo, Nook
Series: The Trouble Series, #6
Author: Kristi Ahlers
Length: Novelette
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Price: $1.99

Amazon US - Amazon UK - Goodreads

Anne is starting her own tour business and her first tour is made up of four retired ladies. How hard could this tour be? Well, Anne isn’t counting on one lady getting flirty with her 60’s retro driver, one lady having an unusual love of sharks, or the grandson of the leader of the pack not only being sexy as heck, but also being a teasing thorn in her side. Her attraction to Dean is instant and hot, and suddenly when the tour comes to an end, Anne wonders if a new chapter in her life is about to begin. Or is it going to be bon voyage to her heart?

Dean has agreed to join his grandmother on her vacation as a way of spending some time with her. Since he’s so busy with his architectural firm, he hasn’t spent time with her like he normally had. This trip to California is exactly what he needs. He’s prepared to have a great time. What he’s not prepared for is the instant burning attraction to the sexy little tour guide. Dean wants Anne more than he wants his next breath, and although the attraction is mutual, he realizes he needs to talk Anne into giving him a chance. Well, nothing worth having ever came easy, and he’s going to make sure Anne realizes they’re meant to be together.

“Come, Anne. There is someone I’d like you to meet. I hope it’s okay but we’ve had a surprise addition to the tour. Of course we will pay any extra fees.”

Anne was in the process of saying it would be no trouble and then came to a dead stop when she saw him. All six foot plus, wavy dark hair, and intense eyes. Her stomach instantly tightened.

“Annie, dear, I’d like to introduce you to my favorite grandson, Dean Bryant.”

“I’m her only grandson,” Dean said as he smiled and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

When Anne shook his hand, it immediately sent tingles up her arm as if she’d touched a live wire. Without thinking, she yanked her hand back and ran it down her thigh, trying to eliminate the sensation. She immediately regretted her impulsive action when she met Dean’s narrowed gaze.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m glad you could join the tour.”

“Sure, sweetheart.”

Dean turned from her and she squeezed her eyes closed, moaning at her complete and total lack of composure. Could she have been ruder? This was so not like her; she never acted like such a twit when she was meeting a new person. This was not a brilliant start to her day at all and she, more than anyone, knew how important first impressions were, especially in a professional situation. Quickly, she looked around to see if anyone had had noticed her discourteous behavior but the ladies were occupied with checking wallets, cameras, and the itinerary. Thank goodness. She couldn’t let this happen again.



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