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Released: October 2024
ISBN: 9798215820285
Kindle US, Kindle UK
Kindle CA, Kindle AU
Apple, Kobo, Nook
Series: Jade Stryker Thrillers, #2
Author: Peter Hogenkamp
Length: Novel
Genre: Thriller
Price: $4.99

Amazon US - Amazon UK
Amazon CA - Amazon AU

Jade Stryker has never really known happiness, but she knows it when she finds it living in the Mexican highlands with the man she loves and their baby daughter.

A phone call from a ghost from her past changes everything, and she is forced to leave her loved ones behind to rescue Kataryna, a beautiful and mysterious woman who once saved her life, and who is now ensnared in the clutches of a sex slavery ring in Manhattan.

Jade feels honor bound to save Kataryna, but she knows that it will be a difficult and dangerous task, one that may well force her to choose which hill she wants to die on.

Dear Mark,

I want you to know that I love you. I know I have never said that to you before, but please know I do. And don’t be mad at Imelda; I made her promise she wouldn’t tell you I was gone until you got home.

There’s something I need to do. I didn’t want to tell you I was leaving because I know you wouldn’t understand, and I didn’t want you to talk me out of it; I’m not sure I even understand myself. But I have to go, or I will never be able to live with myself.

I met someone last year, a woman; we became friends when I really needed one, and now she’s in trouble. Bad trouble. And I have to help her find her way out of it.

I will be back when I get this taken care of; I promise. The last four months have been the happiest of my life, and I can’t wait to come home to you and Anastasia when this is all done. Take care of her for me and promise me you won’t let Imelda do all the work.

Don’t come after me; stay with our daughter. I will be home soon.

love you, Jade.



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